North Cambridge Soup Kitchen Opens to the Community

Published by Ibrahim Rahman on

Local residents enjoy a hot meal and good company at the Karim Foundation's North Cambridge Soup Kitchen

The Karim Foundation’s North Cambridge Soup Kitchen opened its doors for the first time, as local residents enjoyed a hot Sunday meal and pleasant company at the Meadows Community Centre.

Visitors were greeted to a choice of delicious chicken or vegetable soup – and a scrumptious bread roll – served piping hot and freshly cooked by Mill Road convenience store Al-Amin.

“It was lovely to welcome so many people,” said Trustee Shahida Rahman. “The winter months are not far away now, and we hope to continue with offering a safe and friendly space where anyone in Cambridge can join us for a hot meal and feel comfortable here. Everyone is welcome at our North Cambridge Soup Kitchen.”

The North Cambridge Soup Kitchen will run every third Sunday of the month from 11.30am – 1.30pm, and will be open on the following dates:

  • 15 October 2023
  • 19 November 2023
  • 17 December 2023
  • 21 January 2024
  • 18 February 2024
  • 17 March 2024
Shahida Rahman (left), Aniq Rahman (centre) and Kal Karim (right) are all wearing orange Karim Foundation aprons as they open the North Cambridge Soup Kitchen, standing behind two vats of hot chicken and vegetable soup.
Ready to serve: Shahida Rahman (left), Aniq Rahman (centre) and Kal Karim (right) are all wearing orange Karim Foundation aprons as they open the North Cambridge Soup Kitchen

From October, Masjid Al Ikhlas and Cambridge Islamic Centre will also be supporting this initiative, as Al-Amin continues to provide more hot soup over the coming months.

Many thanks to the wonderful and supportive staff at the Meadows Community Centre for helping us to get up and running.

The Karim Foundation continues its efforts to provide food and fuel support for Cambridge families and individuals in financial hardship. Visit the Donate page to find out how you can help those in need today.

Ibrahim Rahman

Director of Communications